Management & education Research Collective
About Us
Management & Education Research Collective is a think tank subdivision of Aristotle's Mentorship dedicated to bridging the education inequality gap for underserved high school students. We research innovative solutions for barriers affecting the underserved community and collaborate with higher education scholars, ranging from medical students to full professors. We also hope to further students' interests and knowledge about prospective career fields including research, medicine, law, engineering, and humanities.


​In January 2017, Vincent Grospe and Kris Ngo were sponsored by their high school to lead a think tank group and to research trends in professional careers, improvements in academic curriculum, and ideas for a state-of-the-art academic facility. They consulted with professionals and scholars, such as politicians, deans of medical schools, engineers from different specialties, and Ivy League undergraduates.
In the beginning of 2018, the group's proposals turned into reality. Their high school received a $200,000 grant to develop a computer science pathway and a computer lab in partnership with a Big Four tech company. The next school year, over 90 students enrolled in the pathway with interests in cybersecurity, software development, and ESports. In addition, this partnership and curriculum furthered strong emphasis in real-world experience and application through internships, tours, and volunteer opportunities with tech giants, companies, engineering firms, hospitals, etc.
During 2018, Julia Brock, Kristen Bown, and Vincent Grospe co-founded Aristotle's Mentorship, a nonprofit association dedicated to mentoring high-achieving, underserved high school students in the Los Angeles region. The nonprofit's mentors recognized the obstacles and barriers that the mentees have endured, including academic, economical, and personal reasons. Therefore, Vincent decided to found this subdivision to research innovative ways to better prepare underserved high school students for college and to bridge the educational inequality gap. We look at solutions that are cost-effective, flexible in implementation, and supported by higher educational scholars ranging from undergraduates to physician-scientist students to full professors from many universities.